Carson Valley Preppers
Who are we?
We are a group of folks that are concerned about natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, and floods.
These are all potentials in our area.
We are also concerned with man-made disasters such as car accidents, chemical spills, hiking accidents and more.
We are interested in learning how to mitigate these circumstances.
We meet on a monthly basis to discuss issues and possible solutions. We learn about the major rule of threes: specialities such as water purification, shelter creation, cooking, canning and other things.
We invite people to our meetings that specialize in subjcts such as water purification, shelter creation, cooking, canning and other things about emergency preparedness.
Depending on weather conditions and air quality, we meet the third Saturday of every month at different locations. See our calendar of events on this web site or our facebook page for upcoming subject matter and location.
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