Files Section:

This file area will contain links to files that can be directly downloaded from their source. Other downloads will be available directly here.

Giant Collection of Prepper/Survival/Sustainability/Other Books, NOW WITH GOOGLE DRIVES DOWNLOAD LINK!
You all seemed to really like the collection I shared, so I conspired with the original creator to get a Google Drives download link going.
You can now download the whole thing, all at once, in .zip format. We hope you find this helpful!:  Click Here

ETA: Here's the original link, as some folks seem to prefer to avoid Google:  Click Here

Group by Patriot Prepper Medic
Prepping for Seniors:Click Here

Prepper’s Free PDF Library: Click Here

Casual Preppers Files

Github Prepper Directory

Easiest Prepper Library Download If you're like me and you've always found downloading Wikipedia to be technologically confusing, I have a solution for you!
Kiwix is an open source, FREE program that you can download. It doesn't have ads or require a sign-up. Once installed you can download all of Wikipedia as well as other free resources like prepper files, open source books, and other articles. These are hard downloads that will open like a web browser but without any internet access! To download go to

(This is the only confusing part, it will not just automatically open, so once it downloads, go into the folder and click on the kiwix-desktop file to open the app.).
From there you can select all Files and download Wikipedia with the click of a button.

But wait there's more!!,

To download even more content, you can go to and then add the files to your kiwix application.
I hope this community can benefit from this and find it useful.

Prepper’s Free PDF Library

The Prepper's Library

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